Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Draw for the fork

Pitchfork column number 5. And what?


  1. essential reading, as ever!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. "essential reading, as ever!"

    i just wanted to post this comment :)

  4. i think it's really important that someone who knows and knows how to say it, and has guts to say it(!), writes about this "young" scene.

    i always find my thoughts, but much better said, in this column.

    thank you

  5. safe gutta and dubway.

  6. Big up, even though you called me Nandi

  7. Sure there are other DJs in the U.S. who play dubstep releases, but if the brutal truth be told, if you're not playing new music, you're not truly contributing.

    worst statement ever. PERIOD. not only is it the worst but also incorrect. Email me-let's debate.

  8. craig. sorry bro but i stand by that comment and it is not incorrect.

    throughout the history of the scene, anyone who has ever pushed the dubstep scene forward has played new music, not released 12"s.

    now maybe there's a point to be made about djing playing released dubstep vinyl to overseas crowds, breaking the scene in new places. to those crowds released vinyl is new music.

    but in terms of the scene's core in the UK, no one pushing things forward plays released dubstep.

  9. brutal painful(for me) TRUTH

    i believe i can tell this from first hand (as i am "overseas" dj "playing released dubstep")

  10. i see what you mean about released 12's Vs dubs, but you don't need to be too hardline about it. when someone spins Request Line at FWD>> i'm sure you don't leave the floor in disgust, shaking your head like 'man, this shit is OLD'. course not! hands in the air then ready for some new stuff after that.


  11. @lethalfizzle. i think you miss my point. a high profile arms incident in a west london club killed 2step's media and industry image. given all grime mcs want is a major label deal, i'm just concerned the same could happen again

    @dan dot.alt. i'd never leave the floor to Request Line but if one of the top DJs started playing an hour of released dubstep at FWD, most of the room would turn up their noses, simply because they'd all be capable of doing the same. you gotta bring the fresh sh*t to impress!

    @logos. MDZ@Blue Note was an inspiration to any of us who were there - and many of FWD's founders were. El-B put the darkness into UK garage in 1998-99 after attending Blue Note!

    ps MDZ... DMZ ... two great legacies. uncanny.

  12. Anonymous9:54 am

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