Friday, December 09, 2005

Blackdown soundboy end of year review: intro and Logan Sama

Music magazines used to rock my world. Now I can't think of one that truly excites me, though I do enjoy writing for RWD. Mostly though I open tepid newspaper supplements and I'm either bored or angry, because I know there's amazing music out there yet they're not giving it to us.

Never is this more noticeable than at the end of the year, when list after list of albums and singles appear, none of which represent the many communities of committed music fans I see online. Surely the Coldplay album can't be everyone's favourite album?

Instead I've decided to do something positive. I've decided to organise the first Blackdown Soundboy End of Year Review - yet it wont be written by me. Last month I wrote to a selection of writers, bloggers, DJs, producers and artists that have excited me this year. All I asked of them was to reply to me with a few words about something they had felt strongly about this year. Not indifferent to, not kinda so-so about, but for better or worse something they really cared about.

I'm going to publish these responses once a day every day for the rest of the year, until they run out. Because fuckitt, I'm bored of waiting for Q, the NME, Mixmag or The Guardian arts review to represent us - we can represent ourselves.

Kicking things off is a grime DJ who's had a massive year.

Logan Sama on what he felt strongly about in 2005:

"People that make grime music are not stars. You can walk down most high streets in London and some people MIGHT just do a double take."

"Yet people are already starting to act like they are Jay Z and the scene is in its infancy. We have spent the last 6 years trying to get heard after UK garage disowned us all. The media is now paying attention and opportunity are there. Unfortunately people are getting greedy and lazy. Maybe they already were greedy and lazy to begin with. Who knows."

"And you know what is going to happen... the UK hip hop scene is going to run off with all the hype caused by a bunch of inner city kids rapping on a beat, use their far greater business, marketing and organisational skills and get all of that money that was headed into the grime scene."

"So if you are one of these guys who has found themselves not willing to do something for some stupid reason like you can't be bothered to get up on time, you don't want to work with this man because you think it is too 'mersh' for you, the promoter won't pay you the four figure fee you and only you believe you are worth or you think you are just too big to do it, check yourself for a minute. Because Sway will turn up and do it for less, probably put on a more professional show than you anyway and collect that realistic money you could have got. That's why he has a sweet P&D deal and you still spit on pirate radio and end up turning up to raves for £150 anyway."

"We've worked very hard for a very long time to get into this position. Let's not piss it away because of egos. By all means retain your artistic integrity, but don't act like a cock just because you got a couple forwards and sold 1000 white labels."

"Big up everyone putting the work in 2005. Here's to everyone seeing the fruits of their labour in 2006."

Check Logan's blog at
Check his unbeatable vocal grime show on Kiss 100


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