Monday, December 19, 2005

Blackdown soundboy end of year review: Plasticman

2005 according to Plasticman

“2005 has been perhaps my best year in the industry so far, I thought 2004 would be hard to top but this year has been really special.”

“Something I've felt really strongly about in 2005 is the lack of distribution we have in our scene. After travelling all over the world, I am repeatedly being asked "where can we get this stuff?" and I feel stupid when all I can say in reply is "there are some online stores".”

“Fair enough we are in the age of the internet but how many DJ's do you know who actually do all of their record shopping online? In all my time as a DJ I think I've only bought records online once - there's no substitute for chilling in a record shop hearing the tunes properly and just chatting with the staff and customers. That’s what record shopping is all about - digging through crates or spotting something you like the look of on the shelf.”

“This is why we need to get our music onto shelves out of the UK. A lot of people will argue "it's not selling enough in the UK yet" but I believe these people are the same people who really want grime to hit the top ten in the singles chart. I just want a healthy underground scene in which artists can live off of their music sales - like that of the drum and bass scene, which sells tens of thousands worldwide.”

“So that’s one thing I feel strongly about. On a final note: stop calling my music dubstep! It's simply grime without a vocal on top of it wasteguys! You want to hear dubstep listen to DMZ, Youngsta, Loefah, Hatcha - they are the dons and my sound is totally different to that. Next person to write that I am dubstep will get a wonderpalm to the jawside with my Nintendo Powerglove.”

Plasticman’s top ten Grime tunes in 2005

1. Macabre Unit “Lift Off”
I signed it for a reason - the tune is ridiculously deep

2. Skream “Request Line”
Made every trip to DMZ & FWD worthwile

3. Jammer “Merkle Man”
The video made it even better

4. JME “Baraka”
I was inspired by playing Mortal Kombat to show JME this track from it - then he murked the tune

5. Wiley “Sidewinder”
Perfect vocal tune, full of energy and no hip hop sounding beats underneath

6. Lethal Bizzle “Against All Oddz”
I didn't think an MC would do Funeral Vibes justice but Lethal excelled

7. Skepta “Duppy”
I never thought 4 to the floor would make a grime comeback - cheeky production idea!

8. Davinche “Phase”
Nice to hear Davinche take a step away from the hip hop flex - this tune murks

9. Mark One “Plodder”
Got big off being on the FWD advert for about 4 months!

10. Plasticman “Cha (vocal mix)”
Should be out by now really, but Shizzle's chorus smacked it all year!

For all the latest Plasticman news check his blog


  1. respect to plastic but what's he on about there with Davinche. Sure Phaze is a great tune but Davinche other beats aren't at all hiphop - theyre all spazzy fanfares and that, reallly dense! Dissapointed to read that.

    Otherwise, what a bit top 10

  2. I don't wanna hear no fuggin' hiphop in my grime beats, baby! Let's keep it original and futuristic, not trying to cater to mainstream tastes...please!

    Btw, I've been telling anyone who'll listen that Plastic ain't dubstep for ages. Hasn't the message got through yet?

  3. Oh yeah, fair point about record shops too. Since Rooted have started getting a lot of tunes in stock I've been trying to buy there more and less online. It's definitely a better experience.

  4. Anonymous9:45 am

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