Simon Reynolds on his favourite tune of the year, Kano’s "Reload It"
“Circling back to "Bound 4 The Reload" (arguably the first grime track, no seriously, think about it: electro-bass plus MCing) this track celebrates the pirate and rave tradition of the DJ rewind, when the crowd hollers (or home-listening audience text-messages) its demand for the selector to wheel and come again.”
“Up until grime, the trigger for rewinds would be a killer sampled vocal lick, thrilling bass-drop, or even just a mad breakbeat. Nowadays, the MC being king, the crowd clamors to hear their favourite rhymes. ‘This is what it means when DJs reload it/That sixteen was mean and he knows it,’ explains Kano, before listing the other top dog MCs who get nuff rewinds (two of them, Double and Demon, guest on the track). ‘I get a reload purely for the flow,’ Kano preens, and you can see why as he glides with lethal panache between quick-time rapping and a leisurely, drawn-out gait that seems to drag on the beat to slow it down.”
“The track itself, co-produced by Kano and Diplo, is all shimmery excitement, pivoting around a spangly filtered riff that ascends and descends the same four notes, driven by a funky rampage of live-sounding drums, and punctuated by horn samples, Beni G's scratching, and orgasmic girl-moans. The old skool breakbeat-like energy suggests an attempt to sell the notion of Grime as British hip hop, yet if Trans-Atlantic crossover is the intent, that's subverted by the lyric, its theme being as localized and Grime-reflexive as imaginable. "Reload It" encapsulates the conflicted impulses that fuel this scene: undergroundist insularity versus an extrovert hunger to engage with, and conquer, the whole wide world.”
This copy was originally written for The Wire, though I can’t see it in my issue
Simon Reynolds’ top riddims of 2005
Kano Featuring D Double E & Demon, "Reload It"
Lethal Bizzle "Against All Oddz"
Kano "Sometimes"
Bruza "Not Convince"
Three 6-Mafia "Stay Fly"
Vex'd “Degenerate” (Planet Mu)
Skream "Midnight Request Line"
Doctor, Bearman, L Man and Purple "Let It Go" From Eye Of The Tiger Vol 1
Virus Syndicate "Major List MCs" From The Work Related Illness
Roll Deep "Shake A Leg" and "When I'm Ere"
Lowdeep "Str8 Flush"
Crazy Titch "Sing Along"
SLK "Hype! Hype!" (DJ Wonder refix)
Lady Sovereign "Tango" from Bitchin EP
Ying Yang Twins "Pull My Hair" and "Wait (The Whisper Song)"
Kano "Remember Me"
Wiley "Morgue"
Kanye West "Addicted," "Crack Music", "Diamonds From Sierra Leone" (From Late Registration)
What do you mean you don't know about blissblog?
agreed fizzle.
ReplyDeleteit's an interesting, intellectual dissection of Kano's 'Reload It' with one pretty fatal flaw: it's a crap tune. there's like a thousand more interesting tunes (even big, commersh ones) that came out in 05.
having said that 'Remember Me' is even worse, and as for 'Shake a Leg'... i'd like to see Reynolds intellectualise that drivel... presumably Roll Deep's somewhat surprising adoption of a salsa-pop style reflects the fact that pre-grime pirate radio stations originated in the streets of Rio or something
actually the original of shake a leg sampled a tune that also was on an advert. i dont know if thats' where they sourced it from but i doubt you can draw any parallels with rio etc.
ReplyDeletein fact didn't wiley say he first thought to sample 'heartbreak avenue' after listening to some local fm station or heart fm or summat?
it's not that i didnt see the humour, it's that some random tangential points happen to occur to me.
ReplyDeleteyeah to be serious for a sec Reynolds is obv entitled to his own personal fav's as are we all. i just think it's a damn shame that he thinks that list amounts to the most exciting music coming out of the scene.
ReplyDeletei didn't know that about Heartbreak Avenue - the remix of that tune is ace.
btw thanks and props to Blackdown for compiling all these end of year reviews, they've been highly entertaining. do we get to vote on our favourite? ;-)
um sure... do you think it would/could work?
ReplyDeleteum, no, probably not! ;-)
ReplyDeletei would go for loefah's fascinating discussion (and your own, it wasn't all him!) of the endzish mentality, specifically with ref to south london, just because that resonated with me really strongly.
they've all been really interesting tho.
for the record i haven't actually finished the end of year review, but two people are being loooooong.
ReplyDeletethey've only had 8 weeks grace ;-) !!!
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