Friday, July 14, 2006


streatham common station
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Column time again.


  1. Why didn't you mention that kano, sway and dizzee have been spending time in houston working with UGK, david banner and chamillioniare getting some of that southern crunky shit on their forthcoming albums ???

    ...about time too cos grime music production values have been shit for far too long and if southern comfort tasty grits showed anything it's that it works

    I remember posting on the grime thread at dissensus about more international collabs being the key to grimes success :)

    internationalisation, cos how it is here in NZ is usually that you don't get a "serious" look in until you've made it overseas first... if only the dubsteppers would seriously take note of whats going on outside of london

    also on a side note i'd just like to say that any article or interview which doesn't include Hell Science Dept as part of the dubstep scene repping for NZ is for purely petty personal biased reasons not representative of the whole global scene... whos keepin it gutter now ???

  2. sod internationalisation, sod production values, what the grime scene needs to do to succeed is release some fucking records. it's a goddamn wasteland out there. tumbleweed shizzle.

    incidentally snipe keedo's got a brilliant crunk style on that ruff sqwad riddim (i think the vocal version's called 'extra crunk'), and as far as i know he never left lewisham to do it.

    another good column martin, v much agreed on the unfortunate repetitions in the 11-5 part of dmz - i think throwing kode9 or joe nice or vex'd or whoever into the middle of that line-up would have meant it wasn't such a problem.

  3. intersting read B-down...

    ...we in NZ don't do the rewind nor have I ever understood it until now

    thnx for that but what were you trying to do by forcing the rewind on a mala trak that no one else was feeling ???

    educate the ignorant masses, make him feel good, show your own status within the scene ???

    getting screwfaced is not a nice feeling is it so did you drag him outside pop a cap in his ass or shank him on the spot???...hehe

    I like that forensix tune, cheers for the heads up on that too.. it sounds like something I mighta done with a fatter beat though ;)

    BTW you should hear what we been doing lately...unfuckwithable and still under wraps

    and any chance you can link to the mala tune inquestion with the off time 4on the floor beat???


  4. Anonymous9:35 am

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