Thursday, May 31, 2007

Currently feeling...

… that Kode9’s Sonar mix is the quality control dubstep is screaming out for.

… that Appleblim “Vansan” (Skull Disco) is the one. Hold tight for his mix on Mary Anne’s show.

… that Pinch “Whirl” (unreleased) is broken Detroity 2step heaven, sent from Bristol.

… that Skream’s “2D” was simply waiting to happen.

… that Forsaken’s “Last Saloon Swagger ft. Joker and Ben Blackmore” is the biggest dubstep risk taken this year.

…that Y.Dot “I Violate Because I’m a Sinner” from Y.Dot’s free mixtape is the first “refix” I’ve heard from grime in a while.

… that Kano “Layer Cake” (679) hits nail pon head: “I’ll never sell more than an indie band… . Welcome to the layer cake son.” Oh and don’t forget “Be Real”.

… that J2K’s ”Can’t Chat to Me” is the sound of an MC going up a level. “Mixtape, mixtape, mixtape = air…”

… that Movado’s “Amazing Grace” [Tremor Riddim, BigShip] and Busy Signal “Oh No”, as heard on Robbo Ranx’s show, hit the spot. I've recorded them and uploaded them here because I'm nice like that ;)


  1. i love mavado right now

    thanks for these dude

    also omg Kode 9 live set in a mad little tent thingy place in San Francisco, one of the most awesome things i've ever seen/heard, he is the leader!! we need this in ldn SOOn - and yeah with a proper good system for this one ; )

  2. Yeah I've been asking Soulja to book it...

  3. Thanks for that. Big One!

    Yo this is an absolute GEM of a blog, not sure how I manged to miss it for this long. Props. I live in E8, near Hackney Central Station, and I was especially keen to read your "Margins" piece (love to walk around said areas). I'll definately be sending folks over here. NIce one.

    And yes "I'm feeling"...that ish as well.

    My blog also has some mixes and tunes to be had. Go there:


  4. Pinch's "Whirl" is nutty. He dropped it near the end of his DMZ 2nd birthday set, and I got the feeling the crowd stopped moving so much. Make of that what you will -- "off-kilter" is how ThinKing described it, taking the words out of my mouth. Only wish I could hear the track again!

    Quality words hanging on the Blackdown blog. I'm reading it more and more. Thanks.

  5. Anonymous9:26 am

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