Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's all Goodz

Pitchfork time featuring exclusive Goodz news, Jason H, Dubwar's podcasts and silly season in dubstep (Skream, Pokes and Boomnoise - yourtime :) ).


  1. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Although I liked the column as usual, surely the number 1 topic of conversation for dubstep should be the influence of Jakes's 3kout, which is rapidly becoming as big a change on the sound as Horror Show was in it's time. 3kout -> Coki's Spongebob and 666 -> Skream's new dubs (Fucking Nutter, What You Looking At?, Guru The Power Hour, Refuel) -> Rusko's new dubs (as revealed on L-Wiz's SubFM show). By the time 3kout is released (if ever) it's seismic effect will have made even more waves.

  2. 3Kout is essentially a version of "Spongebob", which i covered last month:

    In many ways it's a logical extension of where Coki has been going for years with the post-Devil Mix wobble bass and I respect the innovation but find it way too hard personally.

  3. F O R E V E R ! ! ! ! ! !

  4. Anonymous7:10 pm

    The point I was making is that 3kout came before Spongebob, and this industrial sound is spreading further. If Skream et al are following that trend, you know the 2nd division producers will be churning it out soon.

  5. Anonymous7:34 pm

    could never get into or support goodz on principle alone...

  6. Interesting, how come? Innocent until proven guilty, no? And if you couldnt support him, how can you support all other grime MCs... they cant all be lying about what they're MCing about...

  7. Good read as usual

  8. Anonymous1:19 am

    doesnt matter, the main reason the dude got shot was cause he got merked a little bit.happens all the time in the uk and us at battles or whatever, he may be technically innocent...but i would hate to have his concious knowing a dude is dead, your bro and uncle are in jail because some dude said something.totally ridiculous, i previously loved most of your writing but this moves you down a bunch in my eyes, sorry.

  9. Well, as I said, I believe in innocent until proven guilty. I'm also sure we don't really know the full truth about the Titch situation, which is compounded by the fact that Goodz suggests Titch is innocent on Axiom, which doesnt make much sense.

    My little glimpses of life behind the mic for these MCs suggests there's a lot more that goes on than we hear directly about ion CD/radio. If you're uncomfortable with this, I'd suggest you (whoever you are) question your whole interest in grime.

    To me I feel comfortable supporting grime because if guys from this background say they only have two options in life a) music or b) crime then I think we should help them succeed at the former.

  10. sorry cuz...

    ...but ("I'm sick of the bullshit/ Gimme the music")

    I don't want to hear about jokes in the studio with the 'in' click...

  11. Anonymous9:24 am

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