Tuesday, October 16, 2007



What some people have said about LDN004:

"Unsettling and beautifully off-key Shaolin grime."

Kode9, Hyperdub

“Talking of the more atmospheric end of dubstep I did get a good tingle off the latest release from Keysound Recordings, Dusk & Blackdown featuring Trim's "The Bits" b/w/ Blackdown "Northside Cheng Dub", excellent attention to the higher frequencies on both of these with a cobwebby skein of reverbed plinky patterns…”

Simon Reynolds, Blissblog

“’Northside Cheng Dub’ is bristling with laidback power… an atmosphere that tingles like frostbitten fingers.”

Dave Stelfox, The Wire

“Journalist Martin "Blackdown" Clark … with Dusk cuts up the Chinese "cheng" instrument in a mellow grime style for ex-Roll Deep MC Trim to get contemplative over, and on his own makes a bouncier instrumental stepper from the same elements on the flip. On both, the production positively shines. 5/5”

Joe Muggs, Mixmag

“I guess I'm notorious for my love of AA (or B sides)and this release is no exception.. i love the atmosphere of this tune, the deeply enchanting oriental textures and chimes...”

Mary Anne Hobbs, Radio 1

"Sensual instead of hard, warm instead of wobbling, the eastern-tingled Northside Cheng Dub is a gentle hit. Roll Deep's Trim does his casual brilliance over an equally understated beat on the flip."


“I’ve got chips on my shoulder and a fish that ain’t even battered yet.” The former Roll Deep MC, Trim, teams up with dubstep duo Dusk and Blackdown for this slow-moving single embellished by oriental touches and harp flourishes. Surprisingly light on bass, it goes all the way on the strength of the vocal."

Steve Yates, BBC Collective

“Forward sound: Further evidence that dubstep's most creative minds might be onto something else altogether.”

Paul Autonomic, Woofah mag

" ....... as my old mate, Northwest dubmeister Roger Eagle, used to say "Always the Version"! So last moth I flipped this and played out "Northside Cheng Dub" at the new YuGong Yishan club on Beijing's DongSi and that GuZheng sample cut like a monster robo scythe right through the mix and into the depths of the sunken dancefloor ...... China Needs Bass! - order the T-shirts now! Old mate Jah Wobble was out here last week and he tells me that his (Chinese) musician father-in-law, based in Liverpool, has invented the (first) Chinese bass, the DaHu!"

Steve Barker, The Wire aka DJ Lao Lao Shu (Old Rat), Beijing

LDN004 "The Bits ft. Trim"/"Northside Cheng Dub" is out now. Check it on Boomkat here. The first release in the return of Keysound Recordings for 2008...


  1. Anonymous9:13 am

    looks big, soundfile pleasssse?

  2. clips are on our myspace page. MP3s will be on Bleep/Road.

  3. Anonymous1:45 pm

    nice. about flippin' time, too.

  4. Anonymous4:57 pm

    definitely feeling it. queued up keysound #002 the other day, you are building quite the catalog there sir! adruu

  5. Thanks for the support Adruu, bigup.

  6. hey i was wondering if you know when this is going to be on bleep...really anxious to get my hands on a copy.

  7. Hey Jacob. Getting them on Bleep is underway. Hold tight!

  8. LDN004 MP3s on www.Bleep.com/Road now Jacob!

  9. Anonymous9:22 am

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