Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pitchfork Nov

Originally uploaded by Blackdown
The penultimate Pitchfork column of the year featuring JME, Skepta, funky house, Burial, Untold, Ramadaman, Pangaea, Narcossist, Anti Social Entertainment, FWD>>'s 7th Birthday warehouse party, Beezy and of course Martyn.


  1. That photo of Martyn (in the article, not on the blog) is probably from his recent set at the Surefire/Kontrol dubstep/minimal night at Temple in San Francisco, right?

    He played a damn good set. Look forward to seeing him again.

    (Do you know if Miro took that one? If not, who did? Should the photographer get a credit? :-)

  2. The file is entitled "martyn SF1310075" so I'm guessing you're right.

    I got it from Martyn as a press shot. if he wants to credit whoever took it, I'm happy to push for it.

  3. I am pretty sure it's a photo by miro wiesner.

    i am sure he would appreciate being credited if that is the case.


  4. Hi, this pic is not by Miro but by a good friend of mine called Mei and yes it was taken in San Francisco.


    ps: loving the article Martin..

  5. funky and bassline house owe more than a passing nod to 'nuskool breaks' and it's mutant offshoots 'breakbeat garage' aka 'breakstep' and "tearout breakz'...

    ...convenient i suppose to just disregard that in the linear progression of the continuum

    don't you just love sub genrefication ???

    dubstep could do with some right about now...

  6. Anonymous1:15 am

    haha dubmugga
    once a wanker always a wanker

  7. hehe...peace and blessings whoever you are

  8. Anonymous9:20 am

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