Friday, December 21, 2007

A bad day at the orifice

I've been meaning to mention for a few weeks, but Beezy's offering his second album/mixtape for free download over at Production comes from a staggering list of dubstep & grime talent, including Kromestar, Cluekid, Cotti, Plastician, Shotz from OT, Danny Weed from Roll Deep.

"A Day in the Life" features several persy-ingles. "Say Yes" is a intoxicating sexual tale of seduction, with a hooky chorus. "Mr Dingaling" is the complete opposite: a dirty, flithy romp with hooks built from porn-samples. "You like that dontcha?!!" By contrast "My Documentary" is an introspective journey that sees a mournful Plastician beat artfully vocalled. Oh and it's the first studio tune to namecheck, um, me. Hold tight my ego.

I like Beezy; I like liking him because he divides people and winds up purists. Yet I return to his music time and time again. Each of his releases are better and stronger, such that his storytelling of dark violent encounters and twisted sexual episodes get yet more vivid and also, in their extremity, quite funny.

2008 should be Beezy's breakthrough year. He has another album, "Lost in Translation," in the can, featuring beats from Skream, Benga, Cyrus, Distance, Hijak, Coki and Lewi White. Beezy has a talent for getting quality album-productions out of producers who are often dancefloor focused. "Thoughts in Retrospect" is a bouncy, Benga-produced reggae-roller. "Snapshots of a Glass Portal" is Distance in stripped back, minimal mode.

Watch out for these, and Beezy the Twisted Story Teller, in 2008.


  1. What better outlet for this kind of news exists? Thank you. I'm forever in debt to your amazing service to this community.

  2. I find Beezys stuff extremely weak, dont understand the buzz about him at all..

  3. Hey! Big ups for exposing someone who'll be a big talent to watch in 08, Beezy's the first emcee's emcee to really embrace whats happening in indigenous new music! Loving it!

  4. Anonymous6:20 pm

    This guy is probably my fav new artist I have heard in a while for real. Construction Site has been getting more play when I'm not working on beats more than any other. THANK YOU BEEZY! much respect from Canada & you have yourself a lifelong fan in me!

  5. Anonymous9:18 am

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