Tuesday, February 05, 2008

NYC again

So, as the post below mentions, I'm going to be in NYC next week. I loved it last time, especially Williamsburg and Brooklyn in general, but also the Lower East Side. But am keen not to end up in all the same places.

So, I'm putting it out there: do you have any NYC recommendations?

Music, art, food, views, museums, shopping, bars, clubs, walks, highbrow or downlow... I'm all ears. Comments and links to martin_clark7 AT h*tm*il or in the box below please.

PS. My Pitchfork column is up for this month featuring Oneman, TRG, Wiley, Bless Beats, Flowdan, Jerzy, Kuma, Horsepower, Trim and more.


  1. you're playing dub war on the 15th I see...nice! love has one of the best sound systems ever. bangin'. will try to make it out.

  2. Anonymous6:28 pm

    If you like inexpensive but great Thai, try Pam Real Thai on 49th and 9th. Crispy Duck in red special sauce. Killer.
    That's basically in Hells Kitchen (very nice these days not to worry)if you've never hit that part of town. If you like hellish, stinky, wild life filled dive bars, try Rudys for a beer down the street at 44th (or so) and 9th.

    If you like great French food, must hit Les Halles, 29th-ish and Park Ave. Their thing is 'American Beef doen French Style' and the Steak Frites for about $20 is consistently amazing. Best Fries in the city.

    Drop Of Service is a great bar in the east village, 13th and Ave A.
    Not remotely a dubstep inclined place, but a nice bar to knock back a large variety of beers on tap for cheap, especially happy hour. Owned by a brit, too, who keeps it stocked with meat pies and sausage rolls.

    You're a vegatarian aren't you? : )

    Have a safe trip, hope to see you at Love if I can stay up that late... enjoy your strong pounds/euros!!

  3. Anonymous9:17 pm

    Hey - Love the blog and your tunes! If you're in Williamsburg again, feel free to stop by our small loft record store, Applecore Mailorder. We are the only people in NYC stocking your label! The website is www.applecoremailorder.com and www.broklynbeats.net Would love to meet you, hopefully at the show, but if you're in the neighborhood... Otherwise, Deadly Dragon has a sick Jamaican selection and is also worth checking. Rock & Soul up on 35th and 7th is one of the last hip hop vinyl spots still existing. Cafe Mogador for dope Moroccan breakfast, Corner Bistro for awesome $5 hamburger in nice West Village haunt, Bank St. for most old school romantic NYC walk (check West Village Books around there,) and check out The Riverside Church on 110th and Amsterdam which has the largest Carillon in the world and for $2 donation you can go up into the bells and look over all of Manhattan - dope! Imagine playing dubstep on a keyboard connected to 71 matching bells. Sick...
    Peace, Crito

  4. Anonymous9:47 am

    i know they're obvious choices but the metropolitan museum of art and moma are just incredible.

    particularly moma, the space is just unbelievable!

  5. Anonymous10:24 am

    adding to anonymous' post i would say you should definitely check out ps1 (moma affiliated) in queens. one of my highlights of my recent trip. and also pizzabox in greenwich village. cheap and really good pizzas. 2 dollar draft beer on tap too if i remember right! great blog btw and have a good time playing dub war!!

  6. Anonymous10:07 pm

    greenwich village and soho is the place

  7. Yeah Grenwich Village is the biz and lovin the tunes dude

  8. I'm coming to New York from Boston for this. I'm looking forward to your set and nice work on your blog.

  9. The best views of the Manhattan skyline can be had from the New jersey side of the Hudson River. Go to Hoboken (birthplace of Frank Sinatra) and check out the pier.

  10. Anonymous9:17 am

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