Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rinse June

Rinse FM


I was back on Rinse on Thursday (26th 11pm-1am) rolling the grimey, wonky and skippy. No Dusk this month, he was locked in a deep underground bunker, cooking up some mad ish. He'll be back next month.

Blackdown on Rinse June 08

Download the mix HERE

Nu Birth "Anytime (Groove Chronicles remix)" (Locked On)
Brandy "Never Say Never (El-B remix)" (white)
Bird "Game (MJ Cole remix)" (white)
The Ends "R U Really From the Ends" (white)
Roll Deep Entourage "Bounce" (Roll Deep Recordings)

Joker "Dead End" (unreleased)
Jerzey "Allstar Fade" (unreleased)
Zomby "Rumours and Revolutions" (unreleased)
Starkey "Gutter Music" (unreleased)
Sway and Lady $tush "F- Ur X" (from The Dotted Line mixtape)
Geeneus ft Wiley, Riko and Breeze "Knife & Gun" (unreleased)
Brags "Know About Me" (unreleased)

Joker "Gully Brook Park pt 2" (unreleased)
Y.Dot "I'm Not One of Them" (unreleased)
Ghetto and Rudekid "Sing For Me" (unreleased)
Dips "Noodles" (unreleased)
Don Goliath ft N. Dot E "To the Top" (unreleased)
Zomby "Diamonds & Pearls" (unreleased)
2000F & JKamata "You Don't Know What Love Is" (unreleased)
Guido "Time" (unreleased)

2nd II None "Waterfalls (Peveralist remix)" (unreleased)
D1 "Oingy Boingy" (unreleased)
Skream "1 For the Heads Who Remember" (unreleased)
Grievous Angel "What We Had (garage mix)" (unreleased)
Blackdown "Lata VIP" (unreleased Keysound Recordings)
Dusk "Focus" (Keysound Recordings)
Blackdown ft Durrty Goodz "Concrete Streets" (unreleased Keysound Recordings)
Martyn "Broken (Blackdown remix)" (unreleased)
Joker "Holly Brook Park (Forsaken remix) (unreleased)
Zomby "Duality" (unreleased)

Here's a link to download last month's show. Thankfully the lights didn't blow or the station go off air this time :)


  1. Anonymous10:50 am

    the link's broken!

  2. what a bunch of wonderful tunes! can't stop listenin...

  3. stream was parring that night, cheers

  4. Anonymous5:20 pm

    this was sick. are you on monthly?

  5. yup, next show 31st july 11pm...

  6. I am now officially excited about music again. I grew up listening to that really gritty new york queen's bridge/brooklyn hip hop sound (mid 90's see OGC, Heltah Skeltah, Mobb Deep to name a few). Its been years since something has grabbed my attention.

    Blackdown...thanks for all of your hard work each month, seriously making it for me with your site, music, columns, and mixes. I am really really REALLY feelin that Grievous Angel and that Skream track not to mention, hope to hell that your new record can be snatched up in Toronto...

  7. Have this session on constant repeat, lookin forward the next one

  8. ...zomby track is amazing, calls to mind so many images..or something

  9. Anonymous10:25 pm

    the link is broken again...

  10. Anonymous2:25 am

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