Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Devotional Dubz

As I alluded to in my recent interview with him, Grievious Angel has done an amazing mix, originally for On The Wire but now showcased by Fact Mag.

It's an incredible blend of soul samples and early dubstep classics, r&b vocals and 2step garage rollers. An early version has been on my iPod all year and simply wont leave.

Download it here.

Grievous Angel mix

00:00: Jill Scott: Slowly Surely (Grievous Angel's Erzulie Edit)
02.20: Craig Mack: Brand New Flava (Grievous Angel's Iron River Edit)
05:19: Grievous Angel: Lady Dub
08:07: Jill Scott: Watching Me
09:30: Vaccine: Wishful Thinking (VIP Mix)
12:03: DJ Abstract: Touch
15:18: Jill Scott: Crown Royal (Grievous Angel's Fucking In Sunshine Edit)
17:07: Jill Scott: My Love (Grievous Angel's Deeper, Tighter Edit)
19:29: HorsePower Productions: Gorgon Sound
21:56: Grievous Angel: Lady Dub (2Step Remix)
25:10: Groove Chronicles: Be Happy
28:09: Grievous Angel: What We Had
31:47: El B: Bison
31:58: Groove Chronicles: Faith In You
34:13: Dru Hill: Freak Like Me (El B Remix)
39:11: El B: Two Thousand
40:34: Our Lady of Rage: Afro Puffs
42:00: Grievous Angel: I Love Dem
49:13: Ends


  1. lovely! thanks for the post ..

  2. Anonymous1:57 am

    09:30: Vaccine: Wishful Thinking (VIP Mix)
    12:03: DJ Abstract: Touch


  3. Anonymous5:26 am

    hmmm. Grievous Angel may be obsessed with Philly. Look at all those Jill Scott joints.

  4. Anonymous7:20 pm

    Yeah Jill Scott's songs are so skeletal that dubstep influenza gives them all a fantastics new meaning.

    awesome mix indeed!

  5. Anonymous4:19 am

    Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but that audiorec link you have in your blogroll is selling Hello magazine for £4!

    Daylight robbery....

  6. It's Hello! India .... "Description: Womans Magazine From India"

    Anyway, Hello! should be at least £4 anyway... extra idiot tax! ;)

  7. Anonymous2:30 pm

    wow. i wanna download it.

  8. Anonymous12:35 pm

    India is a corrupt country.There's corruption,bribery and loot in India.

  9. Anonymous2:39 am

    been on your ipod, just like the Keysound Radio 2008 podcast on my Zune. Another damn good podcast.

  10. Anonymous11:50 pm

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