
2008 looks like it will be fun, beginning with DMZ this Saturday in Brixton. We're on from 11ish. See you there?


After that catch us at the Dubstep Forum awards at Herbal, London on the 17th of Jan. Loving the design of the flyer - here's hoping the night is just as stylish. Crikey, two Dusk + Blackdown gigs in the same month - that's matched our entire output from last year... in January alone. The only way is up ;)

Finally, I guess now's a good a time as any to announce we're joining the mighty Rinse FM on monthly rotation. The first show is Thursday 31st of Jan, from 11-1am. "London crew are you ready?"
london crew are you ready!
big tune!
Funny thing is Ones, that line popped into my head, but not the artist name. Any ideas before I have to drag out every piece of garage vinyl I own...?
Nice to meet you, Martin (and Dusk).
I enjoyed the set. The vibe was just right for me at the time. Be a good lad and post the full track list!
Hey Joe, nice to meet you too.
Our set list was:
1. Blackdown ft (the voices of) Target & the Roll Deep Entourage "Darker than East"
2. Blackdown ft Farrah "Con/fusion"
3. Dusk + Blackdown ft Farrah "Iqbal's Groove"
4. Movado "Dying (Blackdown refix)"
5. Burial "U Hurt Me (original)"
6. Blackdown ft Durrty Goodz "Concrete Streets"
7. Geeneus ft Riko, Wiley & Breeze "Knife & Gun"
8. Blackdown "Lata VIP"
9. Dusk + Blackdown "The Drumz of Nagano"
10. Martyn "Broken (Blackdown remix)"
11. Blackdown "Feminine Pressure"
12. Blackdown "Rolling Raj Deep"
13. Blackdown "Badla Lata Ka"
14. Dusk "Focus"
15. Dusk + Blackdown ft Farrah + (unknown) "untitled"
Cheers! (I was expecting it to be kept secret for a while. Didn't know my luck, eh?)
Well, the way I figure it, the track names were written on the 'plates in big black marker pen, so it's probably a little pointless going on like they're nameless. :)
you going to let me hear the set martin? =) -- adruu
yeah so it's not really an MC track with Roll Deep, just the voices of Target and Roll Deep. The Goodz one is a full vocal tho :).
I hope things carry one this way and we see you on more flyers in 2008.
thanks bro, so do we! some even bigger gigs on the cards this spring... brapple!
heavy blogs!
I'd really like to hear that Mavado refix. Also looking forward to hearing more of your stuff this year, that little taster clip was tantalising...
Tnx for the artwork comments. appreciate it!
Kastor / Rotsak
Looking forward to tonight's set.
Another booking, I see. Good stuff.
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