So Dusk and I got back from club Patronaat in Haarlem, Netherlands last night but the glow still hasn't worn off. I've been wanting a gig like that for some time and I found it. It was kinda like our DMZ or Dub War set from last year: just pure pleasure.
We could hear perfectly to mix and people seemed into what we were doing no matter what we threw at them, so we did. 2step, wonk, grime, techy stuff, soul refixes, jungly beats and this weird new roller I've just finished: everything seemed to be well recieved. Ingmar, Ramadanman and the Dub Infusions massive, we salute you.
Then we returned to play Fabric with Luke Envoy and Kutz.
UPDATE: check Dub Infusions own videos of the night here and here.

Dusk + Blackdown Rinse FM January '09 - download it here.
Es-G "Roll London City" (Shelflife)
Ghost "The Club" (Ghost)
The Henchmen "Funktion" (Sidestepper)
Jammin "Kinda Funky (Wookie remix)" (Bingo)
Ghost "Express" (Ghost)
Horsepower "Classic Delux pt 2" (Tempa)
Sticky and Ms Dynamite "Bad Gyal" (unrelased)
Sarantis "More Than Money ft Warrior Queen (Starkey remix)" (unreleased)
Ruff Sqwad "Bring Ur Crew" (unreleased)
Nocturnal "Old Style" (unreleased)
Tempa T "Next Hype" (unreleased No Hats No Hoods)
Joker "Psychedelic Runway" (unreleased)
Starkey "Club Games" (unreleased)
DJ Mujava "Township Funk (Ikonika remix)" (unreleased)
Blackdown ft Durrty Goodz "Concrete Streets (Zomby remix)" (unreleased)
Computer Jay "Distance" (unreleased Ramp Recordings)
Kotchy "Sing What You Want (Rusko remix)" (unreleased)
Joker and Ginz "Purple City" (unreleased)
Grievous Angel "Harpy" (unreleased)
2000F ft Riko "Copenhagen Big Murderah" (unreleased)
Naptha "Soundclash (Grievous Angel VIP)" (unreleased)
2nd II None "Custard Pie" (Heavy Artillery)
Horsepower "Kingstep" (Tempa test press)
Untold "Sweat" (unreleased)
DVA ft Badness, Riko, Flowdan and Killa P "Bullet a Go Fly (Dusk + Blackdown remix)"(unreleased)
Skream "A Dark Light" (unreleased)
Joe "Rut" (unreleased)
Starkey "Gutter Music VIP" (forthcoming Keysound Recordings)
Donae'o "Party Hard" (unreleased)
DZ "What You Wont Do For Love" (Slit Jockey)
Double Helix LHF "Blue Steel" (unreleased)
Pangea "Mosaics" (unreleased)
Faulty DL "To London" (unreleased Ramp)
Congrats Martin! Looks great. Starkey played the Gutter Music Vocal in SF this Saturday, crowd was way into it.
I love that you took a boat to your gig. Americans don't really get to do that very much...
Boat? Sadly for our carbon footprint, it was EasyJet. Bigup tho...
play some grime!
we did...
You said you would play some new zomby and i hear no zomby.
Great set, but y'all are liars :-D
The Starkey remix of Concrete Streets sounds pretty new to me.
that record just destroys everything! fantastic show
You said you would play some new zomby and i hear no zomby.
Great set, but y'all are liars
I dont know where I made any zomby promises but we debuted his remix of "Concrete Streets," what more do you want? ;)
Apologies, i did not notice the zomby remix lurking within the tracklist.
Sticky & Ms Dynamite tune is incredible!
another huge show martin.
ikonika mujava remix...real sick. that DZ Bobbie Caldwell remix gets me everytime too.
hoping you guys make it stateside again soon.
any plans for release on the Bullet A Go Fly remix?
Track you've got listed as Joe "Mud" is called "Rut". Forthcoming Hessle Audio.
Cheers! :-)
scratcha said bullet a go fly b/w blackdown remix is coming out soonish
big up keysound!
yup, w/ the dusk + blackdown remix. coming soon!
stop to label everything and let it breath and grow!bless ur wide range of words but watch them too!
actually fella, as a journalist, i've been pretty restrained in 'naming' things over the last ten years. i didnt say anything before "dubstep," "grime" and "funky" got decided on.
the only exception is 'wonky' which if you read the original piece in pitchfork, i used to describe a musical element across multiple genres, *not* a new genre.
sadly no one seems to remember the detail of what i actually said.
so be it, i can take that hit.
sadly no one seems to remember the detail of what i actually said.
Hehe. Welcome to politics!
Aside from the fact you never coined the phrase to describe Zomby, Ikonika and co., it's a bit sad that people get irate about labelling things. What's the alternative? A record shop with one long rack that just says "MUSIC"?
And if wonky is such an awful term - how about some of the complainers come up with a better one?
No chance, especially as they can't even be bothered to travel a couple of mouse-clicks away to Pitchfork to read what you actually wrote. Far easier for them to have a whinge and a moan than do or suggest something positive, the negativist fuckwits.
nuffing about politics here, hippie!
i got no problem with the word,i dont like labeling sounds,ask any artist,they don't like it ether.only music journalist and people who like talking about music/scene do that!
to blackdown:
i haven't read ur pitchfork work,i might chance my opinion.
that girl fella
For the record, the wonky column is here:
So people, let's have the "genre" debate, which as someone who writes but has written an album, i feel confident to talk about both sides of.
Sure, names are annoying to artists, because they feel that they constrict them.
But a lot of mud gets thrown at journalists for recognising what is in front of them (and not of their creation) which is that - while there are outsiders, like Squarepusher to jungle or Boxcutter to dubstep - most producers collect themselves in groups that share tempos, sonic signifiers, club nights, dubs etc.
Given that increased media exposure gives producers financial benefits via sales and bookings from the broader, giving access points to non 'spotter' types ("now i've heard if this 'dubstep' stuff, what one album should i buy?") i dont see the whole thing as entirely negative, not least because if you're truly a visionary producer, you should be able to see past your audiences' expectations. Fukkit, Sun Ra, Miles and Coltrane could: and that's the benchmark.
from the broader *public*
when is the column back?
they dont seem to want one from any of the specialists in jan or feb...
beg u play something like the first hour when in brighton in a couple of weeks
bullet a go, bullet a go, bullet a go etc
we will. Bullet Remix will get dropped, I guarantee it.
thats pretty cool =]
Hey mate, just wanted to drop in and thank you for the mix. Loving this one! One of the best Dubstep/Grime/whatever the F genre mixes I have heard in a bit. Bumped this all weekend.
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