Ammunition and Blackdown present... The Roots of El-B
1. Ghost "The Club"
2. Ghost "2000"
3. El-B "Express"
4. El-B "Show A Little Love feat. Simba & Juiceman"
5. Ghost "Lyrical Tempo"
6. El-B "Digital feat. Juiceman"
7. El-B "Buck n Bury (Original Mix) feat. Juiceman"
8. Zed Bias "Time Out (El-B Remix)"
9. Zed Bias "Neighbourhood (El-B Remix)"
10. Brasstooth "Celebrate Life (El-B Remix)"
11. El-B "Serious feat. Rolla"
12. El-B "Cuba"
13. El-B "Cruiser"
14. El-B "Amazon"
15. El-B "Among The Stars"
Nine years since it all began in Streatham, the king of new dark swing drops his longplayer. Tracklist and sleevenotes by me, design by Stu, hard graft by Soulja. Unfinished business duly finished.
so when this should hit the streets?
You can buy it on dubplate.net now, click the image on the main article. Boomkat is shipping within days.
Big day, long time coming. Cheers Blackdown.
yes nice please keep it up misters b
Mines in the post sir
What are the chances of a Roots of Gurley / Bias / Dem 2 ???
Cheers, will be trying to find this on CD here in NYC.
@ crump, we've got plans, though like 'roots of el-b' dont hold your breath!
good shit and now i'd like to see ma hobbes counter with a roots of darqwan cd..
The roots of Grime?
i am happy to see people get their due, and this looks really good. i also think its great if it creates a new revenue for artists who deserve or perhaps in some cases need it. and of all people el-b makes sense in this context (roots of dubstep etc)
but packaged archival exercises can rob some things of their majesty. its a personal perspective, but i for one would be quite saddened to see a whole package range
"The roots of Grime?"
with tracks taken from what, the producers old ps1 memory cartridges? ;)
all joking aside, roots of grime or roots of zed bias would be amazing.
packaged archival exercises can rob some things of their majesty. its a personal perspective, but i for one would be quite saddened to see a whole package range
i find this incredibly cynical and depressing. some of those El-B records were incredibly limited, sold out within a week of their release from a handful of london shops nine years ago.
why shouldn't people curious about where dubstep began have access to this music?
because if you deny them it they either have to pay extreme prices on eBay or download it off P2P, neither of which benefit those who made it to begin with.
denying them access also gives them more right to say dubstep began with "spongebob."
yeh the el-b one makes a lot of sense, and i'm glad to see it have happened. likewise with the other roots of cd, it was great that that happened. i also very much hear it about giving revenue to these guys, they deserve that.
i'm genuinely sorry if it seems unduly negative or out of place here, i really don't mean to knock your work or achievement with this
its the idea of a whole continuing series of roots of cds covering all these artists which i would find uncomfortable. it is indeed a cynical perspective, but when it comes to the knack of mass consumption, production and availability to reduce art and music's power i guess i am a cynic. i would be willing and indeed glad to accept that there are some corners of culture or expression that i will never ever know or experience. it actually fills me with joy to think that that might actually be possible. so its not about a selfish exclusionary instinct, its about something broader than self-interest (i think), whether right or wrong
i not saying that these aren't very complicated questions though, and i know there are very negative edges to the stuff i'm saying.
but again, apologies, i should have kept this discussion to myself or for another time and context, as this is a great achievement and i'm sorry to come so negative about it
i would be willing and indeed glad to accept that there are some corners of culture or expression that i will never ever know or experience. it actually fills me with joy to think that that might actually be possible.
this is odd, surely it's the discovery of those 'corners' - as and when - that is the source of joy, not the fact that they exist but you will never ever find them...?
"The roots of Grime?"
with tracks taken from what, the producers old ps1 memory cartridges? ;)
Any early grime producers now fallen on hard times might do worse than to flog these off on eBay. There must be a lot of fanboys who'd pay £££ for 'em, especially if they came unadulterated:
"Just got my hands on some early [insert name here] - the beats are pure filth - but you should see the state of the modded motors he made on Grand Tourismo! And he completed GrandTheftAuto in two days, the badman..."
that is something that brings me joy (or at least certainly has in the past), but increasingly i find the idea that i (or rather 'one') might have access to experience and inform myself of every cultural 'corner' (i know thats a weak term but i think it gets the idea across... i guess phenomenon or meme might be better words) a really quite depressing thought. i definitely also find a strange sense of calm joy whenever it seems to me that there are things out there that i don't know about and probably never will. its hard to express exactly why and it isn't something i've yet tried to or scrutinised very closely, so i can see that its a slightly odd sentiment. i'll try to give it some more thought so i can express and discuss it better another time.
I would love to see old Jungle / Hardcore artists covered aswell. Its a shame that dance music gets lost so easily and is great to see releases like this and the ones noodles puts out.
The original artist gets nothing when a 10 year old scratched record gets sold for £30. Also if young DJs / producers can only afford new tunes they cant see where the culture came from (thus limiting their scope of influence)
Great sleevenotes mean im off to find that Brandy remix!
roots of gurley would have been awesome!
I've lost several of my old vynil 2-step remixes he's made and a roots of that or even a compilation, would be exactly what the wobblerz need!
its probably my fave el-b track EVER, and my copy of "roots..." hasn't arrived yet. so if somebody could just let the cat out the bag to save me the 2 day wait...
El-B did a bootleg remix of Brandy, back in the day, which appeared on vinyl. it's not the "Roots of..." comp, obviously...
Elgato, I might understand what you're meaning about being glad not to know every cool music. Maybe it's about fearing that someday you lose the feeling of novelty?
Confess it, you're a wtf-moment-junkie ;) :D
yeh thats involved somewhere i reckon (i definitely am, for better or worse). there are a few different aspects to it though i think
the bit thats complicated is understanding why these things feel bad to me, rather than seeing beauty and positivity in the connectivity of it and the increased freedom of information. i imagine its very much a personal thing at the bottom line, but yeh i will continue to ponder upon it
on the more immediate topic that tripped out 3-step mix of Brandy is quite possibly my favourite El-B tune, its too much. not that i'd want to choose only one...!
Brandy mix and more unofficials on this awesome mix
yeah knew about the brandy remix, heard it on one of blackdown's shows a while back. wondered whether the mention in the sleevenotes was something to do with a repress.
Yeh, that should really be good.
David M did a wonderful Ghost Tribute Show on Cyba.FM a little while back. Here's a download link and his myspace for the tracklist, (scroll down a bit).
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Finally got my copy of this. Great CD. I really enjoyed the liner notes too. I always wondered about the sax on "Among The Stars". Also cleared up the mystery (for me anyway) about El-B & Solo - "Shorty" which I had heard on a Kode 9 mix from 2002 but never been able to I.D. Thanks for the excellent scholarship.
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