At our album launch at Plastic People, Benji Bars rewound my copy of Omni Trio "Thu the Vibe (2-on-1 mix)" so hard I thought he'd break it. I took that as a compliment.
So when he said he was going to start his first night in the back of a massive old pub on Green Lanes, 50 feet from where "Margins Music" cover was shot and where we drove past with Goodz for the video, well... we thought we'd help him out.
So come join us, especially if you like the best kofte kebab in London. Double Helix is doing a jungle set, muttered something about Hidden Agenda 12"s but dont hold him to it. It'll be like a lock in but with more dubs. Oh and it's free.
Dusk & Blackdown (RInse FM, Keysound)
Double Helix (LHF) [Jungle Set]
Amen Ra b2b Vibezin (United Vibes)
Benjybars (Spatchcock)
Nath (Eyes Down)
Bukowski (Eyes Down)
Salisbury Sessions Vol.1
9th April The Salisbury, Green Lanes
PS visit the Facebook group for a little cheeky gift...
just another reason to wish i lived in london...
otherwise i'd be there
sigh. i really need to get over to london one day.
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