Sunday, December 11, 2005

Blackdown soundboy end of year review: Vex'd

Vex'd on 2005

"This year, off the back of our album release, we were lucky enough to play abroad a few times. Every time we played out, we were blown away by how closely people abroad are following this music. They’re downloading every Rinse set they can find, hunting down every Wiley record released, they're more on top of developments than some London producers."

"Overseas, promoters, producers and fans are showing a personal attachment and heartfelt commitment equal to anybody here - from the Megatron & The B.I.G. crew in San Fran, Shadetek & Maxximus in Berlin to Joe Nice in Baltimore."

"We're all so used to defining this music in terms of London, specific London boroughs even. But for me, it's bigger than that now. Maybe it's because we just don’t see how much is happening outside this city, maybe even, quietly, we lack the confidence to believe it. This scene is so much bigger than we think it is. That's been the main realisation for me this year."

Vex’d top 10 sounds for 2005

Slew Dem “Grime ft D Double”
Trim & Scratch “Trim & Scratch”
Distance “Traffic”
Loefah “Root”
Skream “Request Line”
Wiley “Colder Remix”
Burial "South London Borroughs EP"
Kode9, DJ set @ FWD>> October
B.I.G. Crew, Superheroes & Supervillains, San Francisco, October
Digital Mystikz with Skepta & crew, FWD>>, April

For more Vex'd info check their blog


  1. Yeah, like you say, there's loads of people abroad who are making an effort to follow grime: me, for example, I'm writing this from Spain, I download every track I can find, I try to buy as much as I can, even though that's a bit difficult for obvious reasons and I think that grime could be very productive (it already is in East London) in a few years, when all the people who are listening to this at the moment start making grime influenced music, that will be a very interesting moment, in the meantime we are fortunate enough to have rinse fm and things like that. This is simply THE street/road sound of the 00s!!!

  2. Anonymous9:47 am

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