Monday, December 12, 2005

Blackdown soundboy end of year review: Woebot


"2005 was the year the record shop died. In London we lost Rhythm Records in Camden and Islington, Totem in Stoke Newington and Golden Grooves in Old Street. Worse, the stock of all the surviving stores (bar only Soul Jazz in Soho) lost its lustre for me. The geographical aspect of buying records and its attendant philosophies and abstractions evaporated, there was to be no more walking a mile for funky beats. Like I suspect many people I've wandered the globe buying records: West and East Coast US, Jamaica, Colombia, Morocco, Senegal, Egypt, Nepal, Kashmir, India, Thailand and practically every country in Europe. As of this year I don't think I'd ever travel anywhere ever again to buy a record - not to suggest that the vision music lays before won't entice me to travel."

"GEMM is comprehensive, eBay cheap. Other values gain precedence. Beyond the sheer ease of of buying in this manner and the delightful ability to actually lay your hands on what you're after, the new methods encourage the development of much more personal tastes (one is no longer held ransom by the limited cultural horizons of record store owners), open up excitingly transnational possibilities (vis a vis my Summer-long affair with German New Wave) as well as enabling one to tap into circuits internal to one's country which retail is too backward to represent (like Bhangra for instance). I'm almost entirely optimistic about the future, and it seems somewhat fitting that in the same way the Internet has become home to music journalism and downloading, it has now destroyed the record store."

Read more by Woebot, back after launching Dissensus, blogging on serious form


  1. Anonymous9:47 am

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