Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Currently feeling

Originally uploaded by infinite.

"Wayfaring Stranger" jawdroppingly live.

"Til Shiloh" - classic '95 reggae album, new to me

What Goes Around [extened album version](a Timbaland production)

"Ghetto Story Chapter 3-Feat. Akon"


"I'm From a Place ft Maxwell D"

"Hell Hath No Fury"

Original sound track to "The Biggest Indian Film Ever"

Mr Dingaling (a Clue Kid production)


  1. nice list, i'll be checking it out - that is an EVERGREEN buju banton record, trust me, you will never tire of it. i'm not sure he will ever better it. his latest i know about ['too bad'] is the only real reggae record, in a purist sense, up for a grammy in the reggae category this time around. it's interesting all the backlash it's getting from roots fans, but buju has always done both roots and slackness, people just need to get over it. you get into a little trouble on saturday night, and you go to church sunday

  2. "Murderah! Blood is on your shouldah! Kill I today but you can not kill I tomorrow!"

    "Murderah! Your insides must be hollow. How Does it feel to take a life!?"

  3. Big up Wayne&Wax!

    I thought i remembered reading a review of "Too Bad" that complained of his return to dancehall, but i can't find anything on the first page of google results but glowing reviews, and i gotta get to work designing this country cd. It was probably unwise to use the word "backlash" -

    I did find this - which is not a justification for Boom Bye Bye, just something i had never read before regarding the song - from the Buju Banton entry on Wikipedia:

    "Banton has endured a considerable amount of international controversy because of his 1992 song "Boom Bye Bye" which calls for violence against homosexuals — including shooting them in the head and setting them on fire. The song was actually written in 1988 -- when Buju was 15 years old-- and in direct response to a widely reported man-boy rape case in Kingston. The tune was remixed four years later and rereleased by the original producer on the popular "Flex" rhythm and thus began to receive significant airplay in the states. As a result, Banton was forced by his label to issue a statement; citing his Rastafari religion, citing the Bible (Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13) as the basis for his beliefs."

    I guess you can't believe everything you read on the net, and maybe those are the carefully chosen words of his publicist, but I found it interesting nevertheless. It's hard to believe he sounded like that at 15. I will say that I can only imagine what it must be like to grow up in Jamaica. I'm in the Bible Belt of the States and I have heard plenty of folks equate homosexuality with sin.

  4. Apologies for the 2nd post, but I just wanted to add that I don't endorse homophobic lyrics. As a reggae DJ it's been a bit hard to weed all of them out from my dancehall sets, but I have never spun "Boom Bye Bye"

    Although the gay rights groups are perhaps going a bit overboard with their press releases, I think the tour cancellations and such are having a positive effect on reggae in the long run. in that these top notch artists are being exposed to a more accepting world view, just as Southern Baptists are being exposed to homosexuality through television. Baby steps, I guess.

    For Christians it all goes back to the Bible. Do you take the entire book as Gospel? Including Jewish Law?

  5. Anonymous8:43 pm

    my husband loved the rhythm of "Boom Bye Bye" until I told him what it was saying. I am jamaican and he isnt. It's true Buju was 15 or so when he wrote it and no more than 18 when he sang it. I remembered because everyone was wondering where he got that voice from. Not all Jamaicans advocate violence against homosexuals. I am looking for another song with the Flex rhythm so that he can enjoy the rhythm without the homophobic words.

  6. Anonymous11:14 pm

    whether or not he said the song was "bad" he played it live in 2006

  7. Anonymous9:31 am

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