Wednesday, January 10, 2007


NLA by homemade

New year, new Pitchfork column time, focusing on the BBC's Sound of 2007 poll and the Dubstep Forum Awards. If you voted for this blog in the awards: yourchest.


  1. Anonymous2:15 am

    Your pitchfork article is awfully negligent to the Grime scene. You should really be mentioning some names here, as you do in your dubstep section. For instance, you could metion that oldboys like Wiley are still wreckin shit, that he personally is up against a whole new generation of grime mc's, that between him and his business partner JME, they have dropped about 15 releases in 2006 that are not too shabby. Check Wiley's Tunnel Vision 2 from day if you haven't. You could mention the movement, Who fuck shit up on all of the Fuck Radio Volumes. People need to hear those. Ghetto is big, Demon gets better and better, then there's Lightnin, Mercston, Cell 22, Fuck dude there's so many; use your fucking column and tell people these mutherfuckers names. Just list the motherfuckers, man. Just do a paragraph with names. To me, you don't really care about grime at all any more. Maybe what you should consider doing is to just stop fronting and call your column this month in: DUBSTEP, know man? I live in fucking Rochester, NY and I seem to know more about this scene than you do. For real though try to do something for the scene. You have the platform.

  2. Hey Paperhouse,

    I write eleven or twelve columns like these a year and I can't write what Wiley's doing each month. But if you look back over my columns from last year you'll see I've written about Wiley, JME, Mercston, Ghetto, Fuck Radio and The Movement already.

    Thing is, it's a column, right, so just listing them wont exactly cut it. That's a release sheet.

    And yeah, you're right, Wiley's up against loads of youngers, but the reality is - and i've watched grime grow at first hand since Pulse X - that some of the current crop of youngers aren't that good yet. I buy their mixtapes, but lots of them aren't saying much. I will wait until they are.

    Anyway here's a link to my columns:

  3. I did vote for this. :)


  4. hey I love the picture, did you take this picture?


  5. No, as always, I stole it from Flickr. :)

  6. Anonymous9:31 am

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