Friday, August 15, 2008
Keysound Radio 2008: XLR8R podcast
It's been quite a while since the first Keysound Radio but Dusk and I just completed a new studio mix for the XLR8R podcast series. Check it here. Shout to Vivian and Bryant.
We tried to keep it upfront but also reflect what we've been doing on Rinse and playing in clubs this year. So there's some wonky, some grimey and some 2stepy. Pev get's pretty techy too, until JME wakes him up. Damn even Wiley's on some upbeat, "Strings of Life" ish. The podcast's pretty cool too, comes with images and links for all the artists involved. Enjoy.
Keysound Radio '08 Tracklisting
Download it HERE.
1. Blackdown "Con/Fusion feat. Farrah" (Keysound Recordings)
2. Sully "Jackmans Recs" (unreleased)
3. Grievous Angel "What We Had" (unreleased)
4. Skream "Angry World" (unreleased)
5. Al-Haca "Kryptonite (TRG remix)" (unreleased)
6. 2nd II None "Waterfalls (Peverelist remix)" (Heavy Artilery)
7. JME "Go On My Own" (BBK)
8. Joker "Digidesign" (unreleased)
9. Dot Rotten "I'm a Professional" (GPP)
10. Starkey "Gutter Music" (unreleased)
11. Ghetto and Rudekid "Sing For Me" (unreleased)
12. Gemmy "Supligen" (unreleased)
13. Geeneus feat. Wiley, Riko, and Breeze "Knife & Gun" (unreleased)
14. Zomby "Aqafre5h" (unreleased)
15. Blackdown "Concrete Streets feat. Durrty Goodz (Keysound Recordings)
16. Wiley "If You're Going Out I'm Going Out Too" (Grime Wave)
17. D1 "Oingy Boingy" (unreleased)
18. Dusk "Focus" (Keysound Recordings)
19. Dusk + Blackdown "Kuri Pataka feat. Teji and Farrah" (Keysound Recordings)
20. Pangaea "Router" (Hessle Audio)
21. Zomby "Duality" (unreleased)
22. Guido "Orchestral Lab" (unreleased)
Big mix!
ReplyDeleteAnd you wonder why I keep bugging you for a mix...
ReplyDeletethis is what's good.
OMG, Router!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats on the album, you guys have seriously stepped your game up over the last couple years.
The mix is great, and the new productions have some great drum programming.
Farah's voice makes me feel like I'm floating.
And congrats on the album, you guys have seriously stepped your game up over the last couple years.
ReplyDelete"dont call it a comeback/we're been here for years..."
i can only second alll that.
ReplyDeleteVery awesome, check out the new video and some links to Dusk + Blackdown at this site:
I don't know if this is the right place to ask...
ReplyDeleteBut I'm a girl from Denmark going to London 20-24th of October - and I was wondering if anybody could tell me where to go to experience a nice dubstep night?!... thank you :)
Signe R.
It's as good a place as any!
ReplyDelete20th-24th is Monday to Thursday, right?
Sunday is FWD>> and D.O.T.S. is a Friday these days.
BUT... spotted
this on 23rd October:
KINGS OF THE DUB @ The GMT Bar, New Cross London. A Student Run Event Each N Every Month Bringing You The Biggest Sounds Of Dubstep On The Funktion One SoundSystem.
The Confirmed Line Up For The Launch Will Be:
Chef - Rinse.Fm/ Transition/ Ringo/ Subfreq/ Soul Jazz/ Subbalicious
Tubby - Newham Generals/ Rinse.Fm
Cluekid - Bullfrog Beats/ -30
Silkie - Anti-Social Entertainment/ Dmz/ Deep Medi
More Info On The Night And Future Installments To Come.
Check's gigs section for more nights nearer the time - sure fire way to find out...
wow, everyone beat me to it. the power of community!
ReplyDeletehere's the dubstep forum gig section:
FWD is my general tip, but i gather, not during these dates
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