decent write up, but seriously: jme's album is a piece of shit. heis bars don't rhyme - not in itself a bad thing, as trim demonstrates - but are still rigid and rhythmically simplistic. worse, most of the time they're cringeworthy, or at best, boring. 'greatest hits' wasn't great, and this is even worse (at least you got that right). in a way this was highlighted by the link to the nasa (fucking hell, what a shit name for a crew) myspace, which has an amalgalm of stageshow freestyles. the one that best captures the energy of the beat is really tempa's, and he isn't actually in nasa. to me, he really brings back memories of prime ("eyes on u" freestyle?) crazy t, before he got locked up for being an awkward twat. that stuff about the wood for the trees approach to sound quality is spot on though, as are ld's comments regarding the quality bottleneck the cost of vinyl imposes on djs.
on a completely different note, breakstep isn't a genre, just like halfstep isn't a genre. the term only exists because when people hear "dubstep" they think DMZ or wobble, i.e. halfstep. dubstep covers a massive range of styles, from the tech stuff bristol spits out, through the wobble/halfstep/jumpup and the recent revival of a 2step influence, to toasty et al's breaky material. pollywog should stop fucking moaning. yes it exists, no it isn't a separate genre, yes it's wicked, and spawned one of dubstep's best albums (degenerate).
and thirdly: margins music - very enjoyable. especially focus. is the vip getting a release?
that stuff about the wood for the trees approach to sound quality is spot on though, as are ld's comments regarding the quality bottleneck the cost of vinyl imposes on djs.
*yawn*...went thru all that shit years ago as dubmugga on dubstepforum
well obviously I don't quite agree with ya, which is fine. i've listened to the album a lot this summer and find it funny, intelligent, insightful and accessible. Sure, it's not "Boy In Da Corner" but it's head and shoulders above 99% of grime mixtapes.
and let's make no mistake, Titch got locked up for murder, not "being an awkward twat".
To me "Degenerate" stands alone in it's cold, industrial sound. I think Vex'd would argue violently they were different to breakstep. being different was one of their key objectives i think.
thanks for the comment about the album. no plans for Focus VIP, it's one for our club sets.
"Writing great music is about creating emotion. Mastering and engineering are about sculpting sound" So true... it's hard to be both :/
ReplyDeletemixing breakbeats and dubstep...
ReplyDelete...hmmm now theres an original idea
how about calling it breakstep ???
decent write up, but seriously: jme's album is a piece of shit. heis bars don't rhyme - not in itself a bad thing, as trim demonstrates - but are still rigid and rhythmically simplistic. worse, most of the time they're cringeworthy, or at best, boring. 'greatest hits' wasn't great, and this is even worse (at least you got that right). in a way this was highlighted by the link to the nasa (fucking hell, what a shit name for a crew) myspace, which has an amalgalm of stageshow freestyles. the one that best captures the energy of the beat is really tempa's, and he isn't actually in nasa. to me, he really brings back memories of prime ("eyes on u" freestyle?) crazy t, before he got locked up for being an awkward twat. that stuff about the wood for the trees approach to sound quality is spot on though, as are ld's comments regarding the quality bottleneck the cost of vinyl imposes on djs.
ReplyDeleteon a completely different note, breakstep isn't a genre, just like halfstep isn't a genre. the term only exists because when people hear "dubstep" they think DMZ or wobble, i.e. halfstep. dubstep covers a massive range of styles, from the tech stuff bristol spits out, through the wobble/halfstep/jumpup and the recent revival of a 2step influence, to toasty et al's breaky material. pollywog should stop fucking moaning. yes it exists, no it isn't a separate genre, yes it's wicked, and spawned one of dubstep's best albums (degenerate).
and thirdly: margins music - very enjoyable. especially focus. is the vip getting a release?
that stuff about the wood for the trees approach to sound quality is spot on though, as are ld's comments regarding the quality bottleneck the cost of vinyl imposes on djs.
ReplyDelete*yawn*...went thru all that shit years ago as dubmugga on dubstepforum
@ Anonymous
ReplyDeletewell obviously I don't quite agree with ya, which is fine. i've listened to the album a lot this summer and find it funny, intelligent, insightful and accessible. Sure, it's not "Boy In Da Corner" but it's head and shoulders above 99% of grime mixtapes.
and let's make no mistake, Titch got locked up for murder, not "being an awkward twat".
To me "Degenerate" stands alone in it's cold, industrial sound. I think Vex'd would argue violently they were different to breakstep. being different was one of their key objectives i think.
thanks for the comment about the album. no plans for Focus VIP, it's one for our club sets.
To me "Degenerate" stands alone in it's cold, industrial sound...
ReplyDelete...milanese - extend stnds shoulder to shoulder irection
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