
Roots of El-B CD
1 "The Club" Ghost [Ghost]
2 "2000" Ghost [Ghost]
3 "Express" El-B [Ghost]
4 "Show A Little Love" El-B feat Simba and Juiceman [Scorpion Records]
5 "Lyrical Tempo" Ghost [Ghost]
6 "Digital" El-B feat. Juiceman [Locked On]
7 "Buck n Bury (Original)" El-B [Tempa]
8 "Time Out (El-B Remix)" Zed Bias [Locked On]
9 "Neighbourhood (El-B Remix)" Zed Bias [Locked On]
10 "Celebrate Life [El-B mix]" Brasstooth [Well Built]
11 "Serious" El-B feat. Rolla [Locked On]
12 "Cuba" El-B [Bison]
13 "Cruiser" El-B [Ghost white]
14 "Amazon" El-B [Tempa]
15 "Among The Stars" El-B [Qualifide]
Roots of El-B 2x12"
A "The Club" Ghost Ghost
B "Serious" El-B feat. Rolla [Locked On]
C "Express" El-B [Ghost]
D "Lyrical Tempo" Ghost [Ghost]
There's been some talk about "the El-B album" of late. Officially the "the El-B album" from the Ghost era never got finished. Me and Hatcha have copies of the DAT, and the best tracks from it are on this, The Roots of El-B. There's talk of Lewis doing an album now, but I'm not sure of the details on that.
What I do know is this is the official tracklist for the "Roots of...", so thought I should share it, ahead of the release this autumn. The CD comes with 3,500 word sleevenotes by me, chronicling the brief but massively influential history of Ghost. The CD contains music that has lasted "the passage of time..." Just ask Burial, Skream or Kode.
El-B was literally the man who inspired me to want to make music, though Forward>> helped too, but that was a year or so later. Releasing this feels like dealing with some unfinished business. Justice has been done to El-B's scattered, lost but ultimately peerless canon.
I'm looking forward to this release.I got the double vinyl and cd of "The Roots of Dubstep" when they came out(I also eagerly awaited those releases). I'm glad El-B is still making tunes."Endorse and Set It" and "Big Movement" are personal favorites of mine.Respect to Blackdown and Ammunition for putting this out.
Fantastic news, big up, I want to buy this NOW!
Really looking forward to this, despite already owning all of the tunes but Cruiser, can't wait to get my hands and eyes on the packaging and the sleeve notes.
So, seeing the tracklist, there's something that makes me curious: that unfinished El-B album that never came out, was it mostly formed of tunes that finally did see a release? I am curious about wether those tunes were lost and never heard again or they found a way one by one to be released and became part of the legend that we now know as the Ghost sound
PS- I love how you always manage to fit quotes from the Dancehall EP :D
The DAT i have had unreleased stuff on it, at that time.
Since then we've put out the original of Buck n Bury, on Roots of Dubstep.
Qualifide put out "Among the Stars".
There's two mixes of a vocal tune that sound album-y but I don't care for too much. Kinda clean MJ Cole-y but in a bad way.
Then there were some interludes.
So as I say, very much unfinished and I think Roots of El-B a presents much better snapshot of his work than that half a DAT.
yeah, that tracklist is definitely a proper representation of his sound
nice one :)
any chance his brandy bootleg could get a release on white?
if you like that remix, you might be happy again... one day.
this is such f*cking good news
good to hear this is finally happening.
the 2x12" is a limited thing I'm guessing?
I love it from the cover to the tracklist and that essay which I'm looking forward to reading!!!
Fuck yes, fantastic news. I'm itching for my next trip home to my mom's place, when I can dig out all my old Ghost etc. releases, which I'm really itching to play again...
**Falls off chair**
Whers the stone cold?
No Groove Chronicles productions on this comp, just El-B and Ghost.
Tremendous news! Can't wait to finally have some of these tunes.
Hey Blackdown, any word on the release date for this? I take it that it will be after the Headhunter LP, yes?
the date isn't confirmed yet. when i have it i will blog it!
Awesome news. Howcome no Spooks tho?
Also, would you mind digging out that interview with Horsepower you mentioned that you did when their first album came out... I'd love to read some more insight into Classic Deluxe and the way they worked together.
which version of serious is that?
the 12" lists it as "Serious (El-B Mix 2)"
the zed bias mix of serious is as serious as it gets. unbelievable track.
Found an old EL-B interview:
Shame "2000" isnt on the vinyl
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