
When I saw the above photo, for Forsaken and Ben Blackmore ft Joker's "Last Saloon Swagger" [SoulMotive] only one thing came to mind. How the hell did they get hold of a horse? Turns out, not in the way you might imagine. Forsaken explains...
Forsaken on how to aquire some horsepower...
"When we decided we were going to release the two wild west tracks, we knew we had to draw for the big pictures for the sleeve. We sat down chatted about it individually, two mates and I thought it's gotta have a horse really. And we need to look like two badmen out of Fistful of Dollars.
I brought up the idea of the horse in a meeting, everyone laughed it off but I think they both secretly wanted it. It was a bit of a joke suggestion, I mean who's going to lend us goons a horse? I mean, whose got horses to lend in the first place?
Avon and Somerset Constabulary.
So as a joke I sent a few emails to the local police force, one girl sent an email back saying she'd got in contact with the horse trainers in Bristol and put me in contact with a Sergeant. So, turns these guys are happy to do it, I don't think they do a lot outside festivals and football matches. Not only that but they don't want anything in return. Serious.
So we turn up on the day with the most ridiculous costumes, roll into their car park, walk straight in the door only for a lot of fucking big dogs to go absolutely mental at me.
Wrong door.
Walk round the side, wondering how the fuck any of us ended up actually going to meet the police, out of free will. The main guy comes out to meet us. He's safe and is chatting to us about what the horses get used for, what times they go out, what we're thinking of doing and says...
'What type of horse do you want?'
What type. Jokes.
We've gone from some comedy suggestion in the pub to deciding which trained police horse we want to use. So blatantly I just said, 'Err, the baddest and meanest looking one you got...'
Man walks out this 10 foot, half tonne steed of justice.
The thing is huge and I get the impression the guitarist Ben ain't too comfortable with this mass of muscle and metal hooves pushing him around and treading on his feet. But we crack on. And after telling us about his kids and other such wholesome things, one of the policemen say 'you guys need those cigars they had back then.'
'Shit yeah, I fucking forgot to get that on the way over here...'
'Well we got some cannabis you could roll in the back.' says the copper.
What do you say to that? I wasn't sure, neither did my mates, just a proper awkward silence as we all looked at each other. The copper just bursts out laughing with his mate, like yeah, who'd be dumb enough to bun weed.
Who would do a thing like that?
So we get the shots done, try and control this beast and finish up this surreal experience when the guy says can him and this next handler wear the costumes and get their photo taken with the horse. So we're stood there, with these two coppers dressed as cowboys, taking photos of them with a horse, like we do this everyday.
Need to link them the photos actually..."

Joker on bass...[SoulMotive001]
great photo, great story...
...soo umm yeah whats the tune like ???
tune is different www.myspace.com/forsakendubstep
side a
and b
b side wins again?
embarrassing cos it shows up how utterly generic 99% of dubstep is these days?
yeah, the tunes really are quite strange. interesting style mixture but the result is more than weak.
nice cover though! ;) and good story!
i kinda like side a...
...reminds me of a western vampire movie like 'from dusk to dawn'
interesting to say the least and hardly generic dubstep...
If they aren't careful, this could be mistaken for Kid Rock's take on dubstep. Lest we forget what crossover junkies ended up doing to hip hop........
End communication.
i think the Joker one is in Cosies? might be wrong though. jokes story!
The Joker pic is one of the alcoves in Cosies. As for Forsaken- is it dubstep? Guess thats open to debate... Soul Motive is a bass-driven downtempo label releasing double-A sides. ;)
so really useful that the world now knows some anonymous guy thinks the tunes are crap.. cheers for that.
very true!
here's one anonymous person who doesn't.
it's all level again - this one could go to penalties...
Lest we forget what crossover junkies ended up doing to hip hop........
It all depends on how it's done. Look at someone like Timbaland. Bringing the hip-hop swagger to people like Nelly Furtado, rather than her sappy voice watering down his beats.
Run DMC - Aerosmith: funky as fuck still.
Public Enemy - Anthrax: just about indicative of everything that went wrong with PE. i.e. One conservative band papering over its cracks (sorry) by joining forces with another totally conservative band. I remember an interview with Chuck D where he basically dissed all electronic music and made out he had more in common with rock musicians. Talk about looking back rather than forward! With Timbaland, Diddy and FlyLo rocking the synths and wobbles to such acclaim I wonder whether he still feels the same way.
Cliche, but I'd rather someone wrote the tune is embarassing, than "this tune is really average and sounds like a rip off of '......' ;-)
I guess to me I didn't intend to imply that the tune was bad by saying "look what crossover junkies did to hip hop". I just think its a VERY slippery slope, and because this track doesn't necessarily jump out at anyone as a true banger, its mediocrity is a bit dangerous.
Nevertheless, giving this sound a shot is most likely one of the most exciting things I've heard from anyone in a long time.
The drums are still ridiculous, take a second listen and check that.
This kind of track's always worth doing, if it picks up *any* momentum at all it'll get remixed into a more "dancable" shape.
Im thrilled that these tracks exist...
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