LHF: "Keepers of the Light Vol 2"
"Echos from a forgotten past and an unborn future... The plot got thick."
Download it HERE.
Solar Man- "Light and Dark"
Solar Man- "Life Rhythms (Babylon Must Burn)"
No Fixed Abode- "Beginners Mind"
"Do For Self" (SKIT)
Amen-Ra- "Mountain Top Guru"
Double Helix- "Voyages"
Double Helix- "Eastern Philosophies"
Low Density Matter- "Bright Sparks"
Double Helix- "TSR-1"
No Fixed Abode- "Touch n Go 2"
Amen-Ra- "Boiling Point"
Low Density Matter- "Reach out 2010"
Double Helix- "96 Flavas (No More Games)"
Amen-Ra- "Fragments of a Love Story"
"Grit Skit" (SKIT)
Amen-Ra- "Final Chapter"
Amen-Ra- "Trifle"
Low Density Matter- "Midnight Oil"
Amen Ra feat. No Fixed Abode- "Gradual Alignment"
UPDATE: Erm, have you checked this yet? A madness.
Photo by Cayusa.
'This file is unavailable until Jan. 4, 2010 because the uploader's account has reached its download limit.'
Anyway it could be hosted on a different site? :/
reup please! i bet its tasty
new link anywhere?
working for me.
new link:
i fixed it. enjoy...
Well Tasty!
who what when where? Is this related to LHF or is it totally unrelated? Some light please. serious sounds going on there
yup this is all 100% LHF material...
another source? plz, help a brother from Chile.
doesnt this work link fella?
fresh link for Keepers of the Light Vol.2
waited a while to give this a spin - holy jesus this is heavy. first bit sounds like coil doing "dubstep" - heavy.
I've said this before... but can we just start calling LHF the new Metalheadz? Kthxbye.
I downloaded this before going to bed and now I CAN'T go to bed. Really heavy and lovely business.
I can't find this anywhere and I miss it. Any suggestions or chance of a re-up?
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