Keysound Recordings rush the Boiler Room
Dusk & Blackdown ft Maxwell D
LV ft Joshua Idehen
Amen Ra (LHF) btb Vibezin
Watch it live here this Tuesday 8-11pm.
Not to over-hype, but I get the impression a lot of people are going to be letting a lot of new Keysounds off... myself and Dusk included. #justsayin.
Hey Blackdown, been visiting Boiler Room for a few months now, sick night and a great place for hearing new music. I only live a few doors down too! Turns out this week it's guest list only and you need to know the dj's or organizers to stand a chance of getting in. Any chance you might be able to help a guy out? Been following you and dusk for time now, venture out to most of your slots too. Would be much appreciated as I'd love to catch you boys in my tuesday night (or until this week) local. Let me know if there's any chance, i'll pm you my name. Peace.
Will be watching! Loving the boiler room sessions.
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